Many people reach a point in their lives where they look back and wonder if they could’ve done more. Last year, I decided I didn’t want to become that type of person so I left La Sierra, its Honors Program, and my comfort zone in California and spent the year studying abroad in Spain, at the Escuela Superior de Español de Sagunto (Sagunto, for short). My grand, yearlong adventure was filled with exciting experiences and interesting people who impacted my life in wonderful ways.

Throughout the year, I went to Spain, Italy, Greece, Germany, the UK, Africa and France, all the while living on a student’s budget. Even though my friends and I never stayed at fancy hotels, ate gourmet meals, or rode in taxis, we were able to hear the stories of travelers in hostels, learn to cook delicious meals on a budget, and learn the best ways to not get lost while visiting new cities. These trips brought everyone closer together and cemented the bonds we created.

Although the trips were incredible, the people on campus at Sagunto were the ones who really made the experience unforgettable. We bonded together and became close through adventures, games, long walks around town, and a shared dislike for the cafeteria food! Even the teachers took a genuine interest in our lives and welcomed us into their homes and hearts to create a sense of family. The entire group of people contributed to making the year extraordinary and they’ll forever be in my heart.

Traveling abroad was an amazing journey that changed me into a more confident and well-rounded young woman. It taught me the best ways to travel and the importance of caring for everyone I interact with. It was the best year of my life and I highly recommend it to everyone who’s able to go. Don’t live with regrets. Go out and experience the world by traveling abroad. My year at Sagunto has made my college experience that much richer.

— Melody Decker, Sophomore