Unlike most of the other current freshman in the Honors Program at La Sierra, I spent the whole summer before college contemplating whether or not I should join the Honors Program at all. I had attended the Honor’s Open House and was almost instantly sold with the much praised Malaysia Trip that every honors student gets to embark on during their sophomore summer at La Sierra. However, I was intimidated by the fast approaching start to college and was already exhausted from all of the AP classes I had taken in high school. I was scared about whether or not I would be able to handle the Honors curriculum but, I knew that if I didn’t give it a shot, I would regret it… maybe for the rest of my life.

So, I applied, got in, and am now so thankful I didn’t let my fear stop me from joining the Honors Program. It was awesome walking onto campus on the first day of school and meeting everyone else in the program. I felt like I already had a group that I was a part of. So far, I’ve met so many great friends and have the privilege of rooming with four of the greatest people I know, who also happen to be in the Honors Program with me. The honors class that I was so afraid to try is actually now my favorite class because of how it allows for, even encourages, open discussion with people who have different opinions.

Starting college has been such a fulfilling transition in life surpassing all of my expectations thanks to how welcoming La Sierra is as a whole. Stepping onto the campus for the first time was definitely intimidating. I was back at the bottom of the totem pole worried about classes, roommates, and finding my way around campus. However, during my first week on campus I met so many new people and participated in so many fun activities, all of which helped me step out of my comfort zone. After school began, I realized that college wasn’t so bad, it’s actually great. Not only am I surrounded by friendly people, but the professors here care not only about your grade, but also about you as an individual and your future. College has also allowed for independence that I did not have before. I can fill my time with activities that I enjoy around campus. I’m currently taking 16 units and still have time to be on the Social Committee in Angwin Hall, a member of Pre-Med Club, and go to most of the Honor’s events. Although I’ve only been here at La Sierra for a single quarter, I already know I’ve made memories and friendships that will last a lifetime.

– Elissa Luna, Class of 2022