As the end of spring quarter approaches, the cliche becomes more and more real: college truely does fly by. Everyone tells you to cherish your years in college and to make the most of the time you have during this stage in your life, and I definitely understand now. My first year of college flew right by. Each quarter from this year has brought its own classes, teachers, experiences, triumphs, difficulties and new learning experiences. My first quarter was the most exciting. I was introduced to La Sierra and all the students who make the campus what it is. During my second quarter, I was adjusting my study habits and critiquing what I should continue to do and not do for the following quarters. I learned the pace of each quarter, and realized “dead week” was a real thing. This last quarter, however, has probably been my favorite. I’m currently taking “The Arts” class for Honors. So far we have been to the Getty Museum in Los Angeles as a class, and we have also been to an Opera. I love this class because as a science major, I am not exposed to much art in my academic career, but this class has been a creative outlet and a breath of fresh air. I now have such a deeper understanding and appreciation towards all types of art.

Now that I know the flow of the quarters here at La Sierra, I have made more time for myself and for my hobbies. I make it a priority to unwind during the weekend and do fun activities with family and friends. During the week, I’ll swim laps in the campus pool to workout and destress. I usually go to the gym at least twice a week and have a movie night with all my friends once a week. As a sophomore next year, I plan to stay at La Sierra and continue to pursue a Neurology major with a focus Pre-Medicine. My goals for next year are to meet even more people, try a new elective–maybe ice skating– and of course maintain my grades and extracurriculars while keeping a balanced schedule. To all the incoming freshmen for next year: enjoy being a “freshie”, ask questions, ask for help, and go out of your comfort zone. Try something new and never lose sight of your passion for doing what you want to do, and being who you want to be. Although college does come with a lot of stress, it is filled with many fun memories and experiences, even if it does fly right by.

— Elissa Luna, Class of 2022