Best Film: Casablanca
It took me some time to come to this classic, but Casablanca (1942) is truly one of the best films of all time. Ironically, it was originally slated to be a B-movie as it was produced in the financially-tight era of World War II. However, Casablanca has everything one could hope for in a movie experience by asking conflicting questions of love, morality, ethics, loyalty, and duty. All of these story factors combine flawlessly in creating a story with unparalleled depth and told by a fantastic cast and crew. I don’t think my words can do it justice, but you’re definitely missing out if you haven’t seen Casablanca!

Favorite Film: Arrival
This category presented difficulty in choosing just one, with films like Blade Runner 2049, The Shawshank Redemption, and The Lord of the Rings trilogy in my top 5 list. However, Arrival (2016) struck a chord with me that no other film has. It has gorgeous cinematography, wonderful music, and fantastic directing, a few prime examples of why you should watch this film. Yet, what makes Arrival truly unique are its storytelling and editing. I won’t put any spoilers here, but because modern audiences have watched so many movies and inherently understand Hollywood storytelling, filmmakers can use this to their advantage and create new experiences and extract new emotions. Arrival is one of the best at employing this strategy.
— Brendon Wilson (Class of 2020, Film/TV Production major)
Below, Honors students, faculty, and others choose their best and favorite films
(best listed first):
Afia Asamoah (Honors leadership) – Inception (2010), Mean Girls (2004)
Leslie Alvarez (senior) – Boyhood (2014), A Better Life (2011)
Rodrigo De La O Perez (junior) – Forrest Gump (1994), Dark Knight Rises (2012)
Kierstin Dunaway (sophomore) – Fellowship of the Ring (2001), Guardians of the Galaxy (2014)
Lora Geriguis (Honors faculty) – The Best Years of Our Lives (1946), The Princess Bride (1987)
Sarah Goymer (freshman) – The Princess Bride (1987), The Count of Monte Cristo (2002)
Ethan Hoffman (senior) – Little Women (2019), Lady Bird (2017)
Andrew Howe (Honors leadership) – Lawrence of Arabia (1962), Top Secret (1984)
Josh Lee (sophomore) – The Pianist (2002), Parasite (2019)
Sam McBride (Dean, Gen Ed) – Bridge on the River Kwai (1957), Raising Arizona (1987)
Emily Poon (senior) – Schindler’s List (1994), Pride & Prejudice (2005)
Svetlana Sheindlin (junior) – Howl’s Moving Castle (2004), History of the World, Part 1 (1981)
Daniela Vilchez (Director, Res Life) – Shawshank Redemption (1994), Good Will Hunting (1997)
Bogdana Golub Whitaker (junior) – Interstellar (2014), Ever After (1998)
Jill Walker Gonzalez (Honors faculty) – Schindler’s List (1993), The Saint (1997)