After an arduous journey upended by the unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic, our Honors senior cohort (Class of 2023) will finally move their tassels from left to right at the commencement ceremony on Sunday, June 18, 2023. Later this year, our graduating seniors will be heading to the following locations:
- Carlow University – Masters in Forensic Accounting and Fraud Examination, specializing in Cyber Threat Research and Analytics
- Loma Linda University, School of Dentistry
- Loma Linda University, School of Medicine
Others have plans to take a gap year, travel the world, complete a mission trip, and focus on gaining experience in their fields in the form of internships and jobs. One graduate will be converting their current internship position to a full time position as a software engineer.
Some of our seniors kindly shared some personal and inspired advice for the rest of the Honors cohorts:

Hannah Barnhart, future CPA attorney:
“What’s wrong with knowing what you know now and not knowing what you don’t know until later? Perhaps the best thing to do is to stop writing Introductions and get on with the book. Life is a journey to be experienced, not a problem to be solved.”
– Winnie the Pooh

Liz Chau, future dentist:
“Ask yourself whether you have set about a task with all your effort. When the answer is yes, do not fear failure, as it teaches you more than success if you are willing to accept it.”

Brandon Ching, future physician:
“Life is full of ups and downs. If I’ve learned anything these past few years, it’s that not everything will go your way. Instead of giving up, you have to persevere and learn from your mistakes. Always remember that God’s plans for you will always work out in the end.”

Isaac Estrada, future physician:
“A dream means nothing if it’s left on the pillow. In chasing that dream, remember do not pursue motivation but rather consistency and lastly, you can never out give God.”

Sarah Goymer, future conservation/evolutionary biologist:
“It is important to expect nothing, to take every experience, including the negative ones, as merely steps on the path, and to proceed.”
– Ram Dass
“Ideas take root and give to reality. Give nourishment to the best ideas.”

Ailinh Nguyen, future physician:
“Take one day at a time. Everything will work out. Even during your hardest moments, when no one is by your side, God is with you every step of the way. Challenges are opportunities for growth, affirmation of career aspirations, and stepping stones towards future successes. Appreciate every waking moment of your life.”

Diana Quiroz, future physician assistant:
“The Lord will guide you continually,
giving you water when you are dry
and restoring your strength.
You will be like a well-watered garden, like an ever-flowing spring.”
– Isaiah 58:11

Allan (AJ) Villamor, future software engineer:
“I don’t look at the past with regret or what-ifs. I see failures as lessons learned. I see broken relationships as an opportunity to grow and create new ones. The experiences I’ve had make me the person I am today. I look forward to what the future holds, and as I turn to the next chapter of my life, I’ll always remember to live in the present.”
Congratulations to the Honors seniors, Class of 2023!