by | Apr 1, 2020 | Winter 2020
Friday Vespers at Dr. Krista Motschiedler’s residence Thanksgiving Honors Potluck Honors Christmas Party & Gingerbread House Competition
by | Jan 8, 2020 | Fall 2019, Fall 2019 Featured
Kay Kim (Class of 2021, Biomedical Science) sat down with John Razzouk, newly minted Assistant Professor of Economics and longtime teacher of UHNR 354 (Honors Community Involvement), the course during which students plan, execute, and evaluate a major, year-long...
by | Jan 8, 2020 | Fall 2019, Fall 2019 Featured
Graduate School Exams: Five Senior Perspectives John Kim (Biomedical Science) on the MCAT: Studying for the MCAT was a journey that required persistence and mental fortitude. Studying for five hours a day for ~2 months can definitely take a toll on...
by | Jun 10, 2019 | Spring 2019
It is shocking to think that I am already leaving La Sierra University after three short years. I owe it to all the wonderful people I have befriended on campus to the growing experience I have had over these past years. Had it not been for the community I have...
by | Jun 10, 2019 | Spring 2019, Spring 2019 Featured
Dr. Samuel Chuah is the newest addition to the Honors Program. He will be leading the trip to Malaysia starting Summer 2019, and this past quarter taught the pre-trip course, UHNR 231. His primary appointment at La Sierra is as a Professor of Finance & Economics... by | Jun 10, 2019 | Spring 2019
As the end of spring quarter approaches, the cliche becomes more and more real: college truely does fly by. Everyone tells you to cherish your years in college and to make the most of the time you have during this stage in your life, and I definitely understand now....